Like I said in my food blog, Omnivores Delight I've had a crazy couple of months. It's not been a fun crazy, but I keep trying to move forward. Unfortunately all this craziness has taken a lot of time from my blogs. I have been busy in my garden though. I've been attempting to see what I can grow into the winter months here in Humboldt. So far lettuce and Chinese Kale are thriving well beyond my wildest dreams. The Oriental Spinach would be if the slugs didn't like it so much. My turnips and beets are struggling. The soil just doesn't have the nutrients they need to thrive, but my carrots seem to be doing pretty well. I just stuck some onion starts in the ground, walla walla's and green bunching onions. I'm pretty sure this is the wrong time of year to do this, but they seem pretty happy, so we'll see how this goes. I also have a bunch of mustard greens doing pretty well. My arugula is struggling, but the seeds I had were pretty old. I'll have to get some pictures of my garden, as weedy as it is, and keep you posted on the progress. Hopefully I'll find the time between now and the crazy Christmas holiday, which by the way we will be enjoying leg of lamb from the lamb we raised ourselves. I'm so excited about that!
Happy harvests!